-[Almost daily blog]- (myspace) -[Frank Leeding]- welcomes you. [Curriculum vita] RESUME: -[Craftsperson/Artist/Actor]- -[MA Thesis/Project]- (the iconosphere) -[Jobs]- +--> CUR release: -[IconoSphere zix-42]- -[Gaia Studies]- Mother earth, news, & info on the TRANSITION movement --> easing eco-concerns: Think global/work local. -[All TEACHING pages have MOVED: http://the-pond-normal-school.angelfire.com]- -[The Daily List]- [Artist's stmt] -[Art is???]- (2d, Art/Apr) -[Art/history]- (my gift to the human race; and other Terra-kind) email: fleeding@hotmail.com -[Almost daily blog]- (myspace) -[virb.com]- -[Pizo's Techno World]- (pkda2001) (( portfolio )) ---> [Art works] <--- (( portfolio; in progress )) -[Perf art]- (texts) -[pizoig - Games/Tech site]- -[my vids]- (text, aesthetics, etc) -[Art Studio 42]- -[my youtube]- (a few uploaded so far) -[The Borges Library]- (tea time?) New new random link: [on-line music from around the world!! free!] May i recommend the Bogotá, Colombia? v. nice! An even more random link: [Philip Glass Additiction Treatment centre] [A/H] (Art History; REF index) [Art Is?] (Design Class) [Video Art] [coming soon: Art Studio 42] (on-line studio arts class) [Music] [Science stuff] [The Paris Project] [The Plato Project] -[ante]- (moved to pizoig) The following are moving to: www.angelfire.com/art3/pkkda2001 -- [I/A arts] -[S/D]- -[L/D]- (sound/light design) [Anim (animation, etc) -[v/r]- (also refer to anim above) [Tech] [Theatre] [Performance] (including ritual, etc) [The Aesthetic Life] (exit; the, artist) Refer also to: -[Never a Reference Point]- (i/a perf/theatre) [Story Lab] [Other muses] [Film]
"Art isn't just for breakfast anymore." -- Frank Leeding "Above and Below, #3. (intaglio print)"